Saturday, July 27, 2013

Week 2

OH!  Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!  Where do I even start?!  I love reading the thoughts and experiences from you all. Thank you for your goodness, love, and examples.  You are such dear people to me!  I'm glad that you enjoyed the family reunion--the place, activities, and people sound delightful...minus Sadie's being sick and Josh's collision with with billiard ball.  I thought something may have happened when I looked at the photos you guys sent in the package--which SO TOTALLY ROCKS!!  Thank you, thank you!  I am looking forward to opening its contents tomorrow!  Seriously.  I wasn't expecting anything and then BOOM BABY--lovely wrapped package with my name on it.  So exciting!
I feel like I've been in the MTC for the longest time.  And while I don't know my district, leaders, or teachers particularly well, I love and trust them so much.  Its hard to describe.  The other day I was sitting in class and I had this curious but true thought--"There is no where I'd rather be than the MTC on my 22nd birthday and I am looking forward to spending it with these people".  It startled me a bit to be honest, but it is really true.  I feel like this is a really good thing to be doing these days.  I know last week I said that my district is a little young (and it is, the girls are 19, 20, and 21 and 2 boys are barely 19 and the other 9 are 18) but they have such good hearts.  More about them....sometime.  1 hour goes by like lightening!  Here's a quote from one of the elders this week though:  Guys are naturally hotter than girls.  I mean, warmer!  Ahh, man.  Guys are hotter in BODY TEMPERATURE than girls."  It was so funny.  The elders also drew a pretty elaborate picture of a dinosaur vs. people on the white board.  I'll try and include a picture. 
Devotional this week was so great and a returned missionary from Tokyo spoke as part of it!  WOOOOT!!  My favorite part of it was the district devotional review in which we went around our classroom and shared something that we learned and bore testimony of it.  I learned "the value of half an hour" and how forgetting ourselves allows us to be an instrument in the Lord's hands.  I was so grateful. 
I also felt so grateful for John's focus on love in his account of the Last Supper.  Love is central to everything we do! 
Sorry this is a short one dears.  I am trying to learn to allocate my time with responses, accounting my week, and trying to figure out how to send pictures. 
I love you all so very much.  Have a splendid week! 
Williams shimai


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Another Witness

One of my favorite ideas to discuss with people is how God shows up unexpectedly in their lives. Whether its new thought while being still, ...